First day of #100DaysOfPython


2 min read


I have registered for two courses for my upcoming term.

  1. Programming Fundamentals
  2. Introduction to Health Psychology

The programming course should be relatively easy in my opinion. We will be using Python as the programming language. I have been working on JavaScript most of the time and I am a beginner in Python. I have heard many good things about Python in the past so I'm ready to learn more about it. I want to be well-prepared before the new term starts. So I took a look at the course syllabus and gathered a few resources to help me get started easily.


There are primarily 4 resources I have selected as my study partners for the next 100 days.

One of my favorite Udemy instructors just released her latest Python course that came just at the right time. I think it would be a useful guide for me throughout this journey.

This is the main textbook that will be used in the course.

I was first introduced to py4e by freeCodecamp. The videos are interesting and enjoyable. This book was written based on Think Python.

This is recommended by Teach Yourself CS. But I think it is more advanced than the other three. Maybe I'll leave it as the additional reference first and revisit it when I have more knowledge in Python.


My plan is to study the books and complete all the exercises from the book and keep them on GitHub as private repositories at the moment. On the other hand, I will also complete at least 1 challenge from the Udemy course.

First day

I have done the first day today and it's kind of revisiting the basic concepts of programming. Things like the syntax rules, how to work with the Python interpreter, how to write comments/ docstring, the correct way of assigning variables, and etc.